Monday, December 16, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019


The humans in the Hedlund home decided that we five cats needed to write the Christmas letter this year. They said something about how all we do is watch cat TV, take catnaps, and eat too many snacks. They actually had the audacity to say we’re LAZY and have more time for writing the Christmas letter than they do. Can you believe it? How dare they?

Of course, this letter-writing request has nothing to do with the fact that we were slacking on one of our only duties in the Hedlund Household. We can’t help it if mice happen to get past us and scare our dear Crazy Cat Mama in the middle of the night when she’s going tinkle.

And of course this has nothing to do with the fact that we’ve been chewing on the presents and tearing off wrapping paper. Or climbing into the Christmas tree. Or knocking off the ornaments. We’d NEVER do anything of the sort.

Nevertheless, after much deliberation amongst ourselves, we decided to put our brilliant little minds together and tell you what our family has been up to in 2019…

We hate when they travel and leave us for an entire week which is what they did when they flew to Cape Cod Massachusetts over the summer.

We also hated to see our fun-loving biggest brother graduate from college. Although we’re glad he has a good job and place of his own, we miss having him around.

The twins are away at college in Cedarville, Ohio for much of the year (or gallivanting to New Orleans with Crazy Cat Mama to one of her conferences). Even though they’re gone a lot, we still love bothering them every minute when they’re home.

We LOVE having two teens still living at home, especially because they both spoil us with lots of love and attention when they’re not busy doing school, running around to all their activities, and sleeping (which they really like to do!).

In other news, climbing the new cat tree isn’t quite as fun as climbing the Christmas tree, but it’s an alright place to hang out. We like baskets, bugs, and beds. And sometimes we grace our humans by sitting on their laps.

On behalf of the Hedlund gang, Meowy Christmas!


Toby, Liberty, Petunia, Patriot, and Jaxson